School is back in session!


That’s right folks!  School is back in session and I am one relieved mother!   Let me explain…I was dreading this summer!  I was so afraid of the unknown because heat makes POTS worse.  I didn’t know how anything was going to work and I prayed a lot before summer break!  I knew the biggest hurdle I was facing was keeping myself hydrated.  I knew that if I was unable to do that, we would be right back at the ER and I didn’t want my kids to have that as their memory of this summer.  I remember the first day of summer break waking up and saying, “Ok God, I have no idea how this is going to work.  But, I know You have us in the palm of Your hand and You will guide our steps.”  I’m not sure how you’re supposed to have a summer with your children when you cannot tolerate being outside.  And this summer, the heat was brutal.  We have a pool that I was able to go in about ten times, but only for short swims.   So every day, we would wake up and I would say the same thing, “Here we go!  I have no idea how to do what needs to be done today.  But, let’s see what happens.”

I had prayed two prayers specifically.  One was that my children would have a normal summer and my sickness would not keep them from getting to do all the fun summer activities.  My second prayer was that I would not end up in the hospital again.  I prayed this specifically because I didn’t want my daughter to go through that another time.  In all honesty, she is still fragile from my last stay in the hospital.  She tells me she is here to motivate me to get as healthy as possible.  It’s quite precious.  But as a mother, I do not like she carries those fears around with her.  I am the mom.  I want to make it all better and protect her.

It is with great excitement that I can say both of my prayers were answered!  My children had a fabulous summer thanks to family and friends.  My parents took them to the beach numerous times.  They went to church camp.  We did a lot of overnights here with friends and I was able to have quality time with both of them as well.  Obviously, they are completely aware of my limitations, but we did our bonding inside our house with the AC blasting.  Yes, there were activities I would love to have done with them, but my heart is full knowing they were still able to enjoy these past months.  Secondly, I was able to stay hydrated.  I drink fluid like it’s my job.  Actually it is my job. Physically it has been very tough this summer and there were times where I couldn’t do anything, but it always seemed to happen when the kids were out of town.  And if they were in town, every day seemed to work out somehow.

I guess what I am saying is God graced our family every single day this summer.  When you cannot drive or go outside, you are very limited when your children are home for summer break.  But Jesus really showed me how to take each day as it comes.  I cannot plan for tomorrow, but even if I could, I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.  None of us have the foreknowledge to predict the future.  I think taking two of the most precious things in the world to me (my kiddos), and having to walk truly by faith every day, sometimes every hour, has ingrained in my heart He is our daily bread.  I cannot begin to give all the examples of how He provided exactly what was needed each day. He is not our weekly bread, but our daily bread.  He wants to be a part of every aspect of our lives, not just the big issues we face.  I stand in awe that summer break is over and we made it!  I seriously cannot believe that today is their first day back to school.

So, yes I am celebrating!  I am celebrating God’s continued faithfulness to our family.  I am celebrating not having to hear, “He looked at me!  He is breathing in my direction!  I’m hungry!”  every five minutes.  But, I am also celebrating that again, in the midst of sickness, He allowed me to have quality time with both of my children.  I know how quickly time is passing by and I don’t want to miss any season of their precious lives.  Well, I mean I could live without some aspects of parenting. Let’s keep it real.  So today I would like to dedicate this blog entry to answered prayers and silence.  I can hear the keys on my keyboard as I type.  I even hear birds chirping.  Yes, this mother is thankful for today because in this house, it’s a celebration! We made it!

7 thoughts on “School is back in session!

  1. Dear Karma….I so enjoy reading about your llife! Sometimes we can get to know our relatives so well just by dwelling on their words! You are truly a blessing !


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