A Neurological Symphony

Imagine listening to classical music at the highest decibal possible while spinning in circles.  Then run a 10k completely dehydrated and dizzy.  For many, this feeling is unfortunately an everyday event.  There is no option to turn the music off or sit down.  Our bodies are defying us as our autonomic system continues to malfunction. […]

Entering a Potsie New Year…

If you find yourself feeling lonely right now, as though no one understands, you are not alone.  Your journey is yours to walk, that is true.  But, how you choose to walk the tightrope known as Pots is your choice.  I am not speaking of the physical symptoms you are unable to control.  I would […]

How are You Doing Today?

Talk about a loaded question…”How are you doing?”  Well, let’s see.  How am I really doing?  How do I want to be doing? Or how do we move past this question the quickest?  It’s not you, it’s us.  Yes, I realize that is the best breakup excuse ever.  But genuinely, we mean it.  We don’t […]

And Just Like That Everything Changed…POTS

In a moment, a simple breath, life as she knew it disappeared.  How can you go from being active to suddenly bedridden?  This unexpected turn of events generated more questions than answers.  Had she known even an ounce of information as to what had transpired, she may have responded accordingly.  But she was blindsided.  An […]

The Truth About Pots…

“How do you feel he asked?”  I looked at him with eyes wide open.  Words would not come out of my mouth.  I had plenty to say!  So much in fact, I barely slept the night before because I wanted to make sure I articulated EXACTLY how I was doing.  Yet there I sat, mouth […]

Will I Ever Be That Girl Again?

I wrote an entire blog post, erased it, and have been staring at the screen completely dumbfounded.  How do you explain the unexplainable?  How can you graciously share the reality for so many, when the reality is not a simple description?  I feel I need to preface this post by saying I have the most amazing […]

Where is Your POTS?

“Where is your POTS?” she asked me with a confused yet curious look on her face. Innocently waiting for an answer, she looked at my body trying to find this elusive POTS.  I held back my laughter and began to describe what was different about my body.  I explained how my body cannot do what […]

Bow Low and Worship…

When life pulls and pushes you in every direction… Bow low and worship. When your heart feels as though it may explode… Bow low and worship. When you feel as though your closest friends and family have forsaken you… Bow low and worship. When the report you receive from the doctor is devastating… Bow low […]